Metalglas – Pareti Mobili / Sliding walls
HV = H -150 17 17 Ø9 2500 85 37 55 26 40 8+8 31 8-10 85 37 55 55 HV = H-150 PARETI MOBILI SLIDING WALLS SCHIEBEWÄNDE C 8-10 50 Kg 800 • Lavorazione vetro • Glass preparation • Glasbearbeitung LV 100 100 Ø 9 ( no 10 ) x 4 fori/holes • Siliconare • Glass to be glued • Glas kleben 100 100 10 H HA HV 26 23 27 40 BGM-01 BGM-02 BGM-01 BGM-02 BGM-01 LP= LB BGM-02 BGM-07 BGM-14 BGM-05 • Pezzo profilo per apertura manutenzione, taglio a cura del cliente. 6 • Profile piece for maintenance, cut by the customer. • Revisionsstück, Schnitt bauseits. LV=LA-2 2 LV=LA-2 2 LV=LA-2 4 LV=LA-2 OPTIONAL Porta | Pivot door 12 BGM-101 BGM-100 BGM-06 BGM-10 anta x n° sliding panels BGM-09 porta x 1 BGM-103 BGM-04 BGM-04 BGM-04 BGM-03 xme429 AN Alluminio anodizzato Aluminium anodized Aluminium Silberfarbig At N LP Arie totali Numero ante Luce larghezza passaggio totale Total clearances Numbers panels Clear opening width Summe alle Abstände Glas/Wand Anzahl der Elemente Lichte Durchgangsbreite LA Larghezza ante Panel width Flügelbreite LV L arghezza vetro Glass width Glasbreite H Altezza passaggio luce Clear opening heigh Lichte Durchgangshöne HV Altezza vetro Glass height Glashöhe C.65