Metalglas – Pareti Mobili / Sliding walls

C PA-260 CENTRAL FOLDING C.48 7 H HV = H - 258 21 20+6/-3 75 27 102 • Sistema a soffietto con impacchettamento centrale fornito con profili a misura richiesta dal cliente, senza fori nel vetro né guida a terra, e completo di binario standard h=75 mm x L=70 mm e carrello con 8 ruote. • Folding door system with central fold with profiles in sizes requested by the client, without holes in the glass and without bottom guide channel , and including rail h=75 mm x L=70 mm and carriage with 8 wheels. • Faltschiebewandsystem mit mittiger Faltung, kundenspezifische Profile, ohne Glasbohrungen und Bodenführung, komplett mit Laufschiene h=75 mm x L=70 mm und Laufwagen mit 8 Rädern. PRICE LIST 01/15/B Ǡ 144-145 70 10/12/12.7 HV = H - 258 HA = H -102 102 HA = H - 102